Heavy-Duty Mining Scales

Strip_coal_miningIn an industry where the accuracy of weighing data is worth its weight in gold, finding the proper weighing equipment is an important consideration. Accurate weighing data is crucial for optimizing operational efficiency, cost control, regulatory compliance, and revenue management.

How do you know what equipment you can rely on when it comes to retrieving consistent, precise, and accurate weighing data each and every time, in all sorts of weather conditions? It is certainly not easy to maneuver your way through the world of scales, but being forewarned is being forearmed when your decisions are based on solid information.

Superior Subassemblies

Knowing what it takes to deliver accurate and precise weighing readings in extremely rugged circumstances is the hallmark of a reputable company. Their weighing systems will only be as good as their subassemblies. The accuracy of these systems is crucial for cost control, operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and revenue management. Not all factories have the quality control that is necessary to produce state-of-the-art scales. At Arlyn Scales, we manufacture our own subassemblies for use in our equipment.

Find out what subassemblies have been placed in your current floor scale. Are they manufactured from aluminum, a nickel-plated alloy, or stainless steel? Aluminum certainly has its place, but in weighing operations where a rugged scale is necessary, the only real option is stainless steel. As a material, it is more expensive but it is one that has no substitute.

Importance of Proper Handling in the Global Mining Industry

Once you have secured the facts about the materials, you will want to make sure that the load cells have been placed properly in the scale platform. Inferior scales are manufactured by bolting the load cells into the scale frame. Moisture, water, and other corrosive materials will have direct access to these load cells, rendering the scale useless in a matter of time.

Arlyn Scales engineering team has integrated the load cells into the scale design in such a way that they are protected from liquid and corrosive material damage. Our stainless steel load cells are placed in machine-pocketed housing in each of the four corners of the scale’s frame. This method allows for a lower profile scale, minimizing the height to 2.8 inches for greater ease of use.

Superior Platforms for Better Durability and Ergonomics

Platforms are manufactured either in aluminum for greater portability or stainless steel for extremely rugged handling. The scale’s purpose will dictate the proper selection of platform composition. However, once again, how is that material used? Is it placed over a welded frame or a frame that is not built to withstand the high weighing capacity of the mining industry, especially for mining trucks?

Our 5200-SS series platforms are made out of the highest grade of stainless steel with welded frames and are diamond-plated to guarantee against slippage. Additionally, we offer the option of an additional protective coating comprised of a three-part galvanized epoxy. These platforms are designed to handle the durability and accuracy required for haul trucks and truck scales in mining operations.

Connectivity for More Efficient Mining Operations

All industries, including the mining industry, require that weights are documented in some manner. The easiest way is to use a computer. Does your current scale have connectivity options such as wireless Ethernet, RS- 232, RS- 485, Data logging, Setpoint, and a state-of-the-art Scale Indicator?

Accurately weighing axle weights and the ability to weigh them precisely is essential for monitoring and maintaining vehicle and train systems in mining operations. The bi-directional interface of the RS software allows for controlling the scale and data input from an offsite workstation. With the RS-485 software, you will be able to operate up to ten scales from a distance of up to four thousand feet.

Arlyn Scales 5200 series scales are completely manufactured in our New York-based warehouse. Built to last, our floor scales will always deliver weighing data that can be relied upon day after day, year after year.

Contact Our Team for Custom Weighing Solutions

There is no place like home when it comes to purchasing a heavy-duty industrial scale. Arlyn Scales are one hundred percent U.S. manufactured. Should there be any concerns after the purchase, our team of experts is ready to answer all your questions. You can contact us today for more information.